Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I'm sitting in my apartment, enjoying my SECOND snow day, and feeling pretty guilty about the state of the blog. So I've decided to post about oysters. Not too long ago, we believed that oysters, particularly raw oysters, were best left to professionals. We were happy to pay exorbitant sums for the privilege of having oyster experts offer up large platters of shucked bivalves, nestled neatly in ice and lemon wedges. While I'm certain that at some future date you'll find us swaying on Neptune's bar stools, woozily full of brine and wine, now you'll be more likely to find us in the same state at our own dining room table. Here's why: they sell oysters at Whole Foods. Delicious oysters. And, perhaps more importantly in these troubled times, these oysters are CHEAP. I kid you not.

There is some work involved, but it's minimal. Particularly if you're not the one doing it.

But the results! Definitely worth a few of Ben's fingers.

I thought we'd gone a bit overboard. Turns out, we hadn't.

Lest you think Ben did all the heavy lifting, I made scallops in a shallot-lemon-parmesan-cream sauce. Because, you know, sometimes you just need things.

Here's to the luxuries that make the lean times a little fatter.


Martini said...

Can't wait to visit! I'm sure I'll eat so much of Ben's delicious cooking that they'll have to roll me on the plane to Boston.

ellie bee said...

hooray! something to read about that is worth reading--not that basketball isn't but that was MONTHS ago!